
Judging Another

It is typical of human beings to find fault in another person while thinking about the actions of another person. Then we condemn them for what they did to you without allowing that person the right to defend their actions. This leads to an exaggeration of facts and unwarranted misunderstanding in our minds.  When the mind forms opinions it does not require its opinions to be accurate especially when it does not require an effort to love or keep peaceful relations with the other person.  

Without confronting the matter things only get worse, because it is not fair or right to the other person to accuse them of something you think they did. Everything a person does from that point on strengthens the convictions of his accuser. Unfortunately you reap what you sow because over time hatred and mistrust forms a barrier for any future relations with that person.

Judging another person becomes a moral issue because the accuser did not allow the accused his or her right to defend what they have been accused of. In addition, judging anyone without hearing their side of the story demonstrates a selfish attitude that reflects no need or desire to be loved by God. When the accuser is a Christian, it makes you wonder if he or she believes that forgiveness is not among the most important commandments of God. Didn’t Jesus say?

Many heartaches could be avoided from developing accusations into open warfare just by talking to the other person to clear the air. When thoughts are not controlled and forgiveness is not considered one can easily dishonor the condemned by not hearing his or her defense. When this happens the accuser declares war on the accused rather than suing for peace.  God demands those involved in the accusation confront each other so that both sides can be heard and a just decision will be made.

Without confronting the matter any further, things only get worse, for the accusations places a wedge between the accused and the accuser. Once the wedge is in place anything the accused does, drives the wedge deeper and eventually the complaints separate two people God loves. In the final stages of uncontrolled thoughts an all out war develops turns the dispute into distrust, bitterness, hatred and finally violence. Who do you suppose is aiding and orchestrating the final outcome when the accused doesn’t know what he or she has been accused of? Aren’t we forgetting something?

Paul is saying that you have no right to judge the sin of another because you commit the same sins. You may be saved but still a sinner whom God who saved you through his grace.

God is saying you will be judged in the same manner that you judge other people. In other words, you will reap the same kind of judgment that you have sown.  But we should look at the other side of the coin. What if you did not judge but chose to forgive instead. Will you not reap the forgiveness that you have sown.

A man came to Jesus with a dispute with his own brother and asked Jesus to settle the argument.

Jesus refused to arbitrate over the possessions left to his family perhaps because the fighting over possessions divides family into warring parties. The focus of his ministry was not to condemn the world, but to save the world by dying for the sins of the world. Unfortunately when we take our eyes off the goal we have with Jesus, the focus our eyes naturally turns to things that draws on our own importance.

In Luke’s parable about the unjust Judge we learn of a man whose job was to settle disputes among the people. We also learn of the persistent woman who pleaded with the judge for justice. The judge refused to hear her case for some time and sent her away empty-handed. However, the woman continued to petition her plea until the judge recognized her persistence. Although he was an unjust judge that neither feared God nor cared about men, he granted justice to the woman not for the woman’s sake, but his own. (Luke 18:2-5)

Like the unjust judge, who will benefit the most from denying justice to the person offending your ego? We must consider that denying the other person his opportunity to defend his actions affects our relationship with God. If we choose not to air or settle the grievance, we have chosen not to forgive, therefore God will not forgive us. Isn’t it prudent to consider the outcome of holding grievances and who benefits the most from forgiveness?

The truth is no one benefits from the disputes we keep under wraps and allowed to develop into sin. Haven’t we turned from the commitment we had with Jesus that he is Lord? Holding grudges is a effective process that Satan uses to destroy the relationship that Christians have with God. Its most effective when we leave God out of our thoughts and forget our commitment to obey him.


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